Red Spot Severum
The Red Spot Severum (Heros severus), also known as the Red-Spotted Gold Severum, is a captivating freshwater cichlid known for its bold, colorful appearance and generally peaceful temperament. Originating from the Amazon Basin, this species can grow up to 8-10 inches (20-25 cm), making it best suited for larger aquariums.
Red Spot Severums are recognized for their bright golden bodies adorned with vibrant red spots, particularly on their sides and fins. They thrive in warm, soft to moderately hard water, ideally between 75-82°F (24-28°C), and prefer tanks with open swimming areas as well as hiding spots like driftwood and rocks.
These cichlids are semi-aggressive but can coexist with other non-aggressive fish of similar size. As omnivores, they enjoy a diet of pellets, vegetables, and live or frozen foods.
With their striking color pattern and manageable temperament, Red Spot Severums are a beautiful and rewarding choice for aquarists with spacious freshwater tanks.