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We pride ourselves in providing excellent freshwater and saltwater livestock, dry goods, and advice.

We can order custom tanks, set them up for you, help with moves, and provide weekly or monthly service to both homes and businesses.


We have setup and maintained a wide variety of residential and commercial tanks ranging in size from 1 gallon to 600 gallons and retail systems greater than 4,000 gallons.


We can provide most equiptment, livestock, food, and water needs at a discount to our customers compared to other standard retailers.  

What's New:

12/9/24 New saltwater fish: Gold Spotted Eel Tiger Snake Eel Tonga Wrasse L Pintail Wrasse Tonga Xmas Wrasse Red Longjaw Wrasse CXI Flame Angel Lemon Peel Angel Starry Blenny Bellus Angel Female Round Ray/Urobati Halleri Blue Tang Smd Tonga Leopard Wrasse Tonga Cannery Blenny Twin Spot Blenny Ranford Goby Hector Goby Wheeler Goby Pinktail Trigger Orange Spotted/Guttatus Goby Black Rayed Shrimp Goby Geometric Pygmy Hawkfish Flame Hawkfish Firefish Starcki Damsel Yellow Mustard Tang Smd Flagfin Angel M 3.5" Pacific Sailfin Tang M Green Mandarin Goby S Red Moyer's Dragonet Ocelaris Clownfish Fiji Devil Damsel Tonga Red Coral Beauty Angel S Tonga Yellow Dogface Puffer ML Sea Hare Jollyfish/Cucumber Royal/Tuxedo Urchin 11/28/24 New nano tank ready to go. If you need a tank today with scape and livestock we have you covered. This complete system is ready to go! Great as a same day gift. 11/24/24 New plant holding system. We have increased the amount of plants we carry we our new UNS Foresta plant system. We now offer a larger variety of aquatic plants in addition to terrarium plants. Come check out our selection!


We excel at all forms of aquatic care from freshwater ponds to saltwater reefs.  By utililizing natural scientific approaches we are able to troubleshoot problems with minimal expense and long term results.  We are proficient in all methods of filtration, lighting, saltwater and freshwater chemistry, and fish and invertibrate husbandry. 

Come visit us 10am - 5pm Monday - Thursday and 9am - 7pm Friday-Sunday. 
Clear Water Aquarium 
1080 Saratoga Ave. Ste 11
San Jose CA 95129



1080 Saratoga Ave Ste 11
San Jose Ca 95129

Tel: 408.217.8069

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